Have you ever wanted to grow your own flowers?
Do you dream of having your very own vegetable garden?
Need a gift but don't know what to give your loved one?
Would you like to support the community?
Well now you can do all of these things by helping support Valley Rescue Missions Flower Sale! Come out and support our men in the Men's' Addiction Recovery Program. These guys work year round in our Horticulture Program to plant the seeds and watch them grow. Then they go out into the community to share what they have done. The proceeds are sown back into the program and all of the missions that Valley Rescue Mission supports.
At one of our various locations you are sure to find something you would like to add to your collection or garden. The plants are also wonderful gifts that keep on giving!

ALL Sale Times:
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Monday - Friday
· Greenhouse
· Gateway Shopping Center
· Howard Mott Center
Thursdays & Fridays
· Billy’s Grocery Store
· The Square in Hamilton
· Greenhouse
· Cooper’s Grocery
Midland Masonic Lodge

· Billy’s Grocery Store
· The Square in Hamilton
· Greenhouse
· Cooper’s Grocery
· Midland Masonic Lodge
We have a variety of flowers and vegetables all at great prices!
6 PACK $5
4 PACK $3
(with an array of blooms) (flats, 6 pack or 4 packs)
Dianthus Celerity Tomatoes
Begonias Beefsteak Tomatoes
Petunias Super Sweet 100 Tomatoes
Impatiens La Roma Tomatoes
Geraniums Better Boy Tomatoes
Ipomeas Big Boy Tomatoes
Verbenas Rutger Tomatoes
Lantanas Squash
SunPatiens Cucumbers
Trixies Zucchini
Scaevolas Long Stem Cayan Peppers
Torenias Banana Peppers
Gelosias Jalapeno Peppers
Coleous Tabasco Hot Peppers
Mangolas Hungarian Hot Wax Peppers
Salvias Better Bell Peppers